Securitas – your career prospects
We provide the possibility to attend numerous training courses and to qualify for a great variety of exciting security services through targeted specialisation. We live up to our claim of employing only the best by careful selection. A good reputation and sound financial circumstances are basic prerequisites for this.
Targeted training and technical courses ensure that you will be able to avail yourself of great experience and current expertise in any situation. Regular further training ensures that you will be able to cope with new tasks at any time. Basic and further training are conducted according to the latest training methods and accompanied by state-of-the-art training techniques such as e-learning.
Based on the mandatory basic training, we offer a variety of specialisations in the areas of event and traffic or protection and security. After two to four years of service, you will be able to acquire your federal certification, which is recognised by the Federal Government and represents full-fledged professional qualification.
Employees with managerial functions also attend our internal management training, which is organised into the areas operational command, personnel management and business management. All training courses are conducted by experienced instructors. Additionally, we use a state-of-the-art internet-based learning platform that facilitates independent further training at any time and place.
EduQua: Exemplary training
At Securitas AG – including the Swiss Professional Security Academy (SBSS) – employees are offered qualitatively excellent basic and further training. This was confirmed by the eduQua certificate in November 2011. It ensures that the courses have been developed according to the specific requirements, are conducted efficiently, achieve sustainable learning success and are continually optimised using standard evaluation processes.
Securitas AG invests 230,000 hours in professional training each year. Thus, about 8,000 employees, management staff and specialists receive basic or further training in over 50 courses. With the eduQua certificate Securitas has reached a further milestone.
Since the beginning of 2012 all Securitas training materials, course confirmations and diplomas bear the eduQua logo. This brings added value for all parties involved: employees know that they are the best-trained in the industry – customers appreciate the high quality of their work.