eduQua standard
Securitas AG has been awarded the Swiss quality certificate for advanced training institutions eduQua. With this certificate we distinguish ourselves as a good institution for advanced training and oblige ourselves to ensure and further develop the quality of our training.
This certificate confirms that the training courses
- are in line with requirements.
- are conducted efficiently.
- achieve sustainable learning success.
- are assessed regularly and improved continually.
- are transparent for clients.
Securitas AG is the only security enterprise in Switzerland to have obtained both the ISO certificate 9001:2008 for high-quality management system standards and the eduQua certificate.
SVEB Certificate (Certificate of the Swiss Federation for Adult Learning SVEB/FSEA)
Since the beginning of 2016 Securitas has newly been qualified to teach the SVEB Certificate (Certificate of the Swiss Federation for Adult Learning SVEB/FSEA). This qualification of the Swiss Federation for Adult Learning, which is recognised throughout Switzerland, offers interested internal as well as external trainers the opportunity of completing the first level of the Swiss Federal PET Diploma for Trainers in Further Education.
The Certificate of the Swiss Federation for Adult Learning SVEB/FSEA shows that Securitas attaches great importance to high-quality education. The training standards are convincing: Securitas employees are the best trained in the entire industry – and this quality basis is also very much appreciated by our clients.